"All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense."

Saturday 22 May 2010


Philip K Dick journals to be published next year

Philip K Dick

The journals of sci-fi author Philip K Dick will be published next year.

The Exegesis, much anticipated by fans of the writer, will come out in autumn 2011, publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt revealed.

Dick, who died in 1982 at the age of 53, had 44 novels published. His first was Solar Lottery in 1955.

He is best known for works including The Man in the High Castle and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - the basis of 1982 film Blade Runner.

Other films based on Dick's books include Total Recall and Minority Report.

Dick's journals include descriptions of a series of "visions and auditions" he says he experienced.



If your friend is already dead, and being eaten by vultures, I think it's okay to feed some bits of your friend to one of the vultures, to teach him to do some tricks. But only if you're serious about adopting the vulture.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Ninjas vs Muggers

Three muggers in Australia got the fright of their lives when their attack was interrupted by five
black-clad ninja warriors.

The thieves were assaulting a German medical exchange student in Sydney, but the alleyway where they struck was next to a school for ninja warriors. One of the pupils raised the alarm after noticing the attack.

Police say they have arrested two men and charged them with robbery, and are still looking for a third suspect.

"We just ran outside and started running at them, yelling and everything," said ninja master Kaylan Soto who instructed his students to take action. "These guys have turned around and seen five ninjas in black ninja uniforms running towards them. They just bolted."

The victim suffered minor injuries, and the men stole his mobile phone and iPod, according to police. Mr Soto said the man could have escaped the assault with some training in ninjitsu - a Japanese martial art.

As for the attackers, "They just picked the wrong spot," he added.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Isoteric / Agnostic


Thesaurus Entries

a certain, an, any, any one, atomatic, atomiferous, atomistic, corpuscular, cyclic, diatomic, dibasic, either, embryonic, evanescent, exclusive, germinal, granular, heteroatomic, heterocyclic, hexatomic, homocyclic, impalpable, imperceptible, imponderable, inappreciable, indiscernible, individual, indivisible, infinitesimal, intangible, integral, invisible, irreducible, isobaric, isocyclic, isoteric, isotopic, lone, microcosmic, microscopic, molecular, monadic, monatomic, monistic, one, pentatomic, simple, single, singular, sole, solid, solitary, subatomic, tenuous, tetratomic, thin, triatomic, tribasic, ultramicroscopic, unanalyzable, undivided, uniform, unique, unitary, unseeable, whole


a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as god, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.
of or pertaining to agnostics or agnosticism.
asserting the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge.